Our desire is for the lost to come to saving faith in Jesus and for Christians to be discipled to full maturity.
What is discipleship?
We see discipleship in the New Testament as Jesus' disciples give up their entire lives to follow and learn from Jesus and share the good news with everyone about what He had done.
Likewise, Christian discipleship involves devoting ourselves to Jesus through studying His Word and following His example of obedience, empowered by the Holy Spirit. Christians are called to be disciples and to make disciples.
Discipleship happens primarily in relationship with one another - which is why everybody needs to be in Gospel-community.
What are gospel communities?
On Sundays we gather corporately but throughout the week we meet in smaller communities for the day to day living out of our faith in obedience to Christ. These smaller communities are where we experience Gospel Community - life together under the Lordship and in the pattern of Christ.
Our Gospel Communities are centred around the four focuses of the early Church found in Acts 2:42: "And they devoted themselves to the 1) apostles' teaching and 2)the fellowship, to 3) breaking of bread and the 4) prayers." Click here to learn more.
Find a Gospel Community
Wednesday Night Centre GCs - Start here!
Here you'll have the full experience of a Gospel Community in 8 weeks, after which you get to launch out on your own and in your own space, continuing to practice what you've learned. And don't worry, we'll continue to resource and equip you with everything you need for living in Gospel Community with others. Please note: We will do our best to group you by address location or language group, and if you're registering with others please let us know on the registration form below.
Find a GC in Your Area
If you can't make Wednesday here at The Centre, we also have Gospel Communities meeting all over the Greater Vancouver area. Click below to view all available Communities in your area.
Apostles' Teaching
The Bible is God's authoritative Word, revealing His character and purposes in the world, while guiding us in all aspects of life and equipping us for good works (2 Tim. 3:16-17). As Jesus' people we are submitted to Scripture as our standard of truth, conforming our lives to God's will rather than cultural trends or personal feelings.
The New Testament describes the church as a family united in Christ, with a biblical responsibility to love and care for one another. As Jesus' people we are devoted to embodying this identity and calling by living out "one another" practices such as, having Christ's mind, offering His welcome, speaking His words, showing His love, and giving His grace.
Breaking Bread
The Christian life is centred on Christ's sinless life, death, resurrection, and ascension, with the Lord's supper being central to gatherings. As Jesus' people we are devoted to a life of dying to self, living by faith, and surrendering personal desires to align with Christ's will, guided by Scripture and the Holy Spirit.
Prayer in the simplest form is talking and spending time with God. As Jesus' people we are devoted to pursuing an ongoing relationship with Him that is formed by His Word and His Spirit, as He brings us into alignment with His heart.