Humble Glory - 2020 Christmas Series

When God became man, the human paradigm of glory was forever shattered. No longer could we imagine that the greatest glory would belong to those who wielded the most power, force, or dominance. No, the story of Christmas is glory reimagined. Not the greatest, but the least. Not the full, but the empty. Not the strong, but the weak. Not the proud, but the humble.

King Jesus inaugurated a new Kingdom. A Kingdom whose King is full of Humble Glory.


Jesus: Humble King and Glorified Lord - Philippians 2:9-11

Cliff Ursel / December 20, 2020

This Christmas can possibly be the most meaningful Christmas of our life, if, we can trust that Jesus is our Glorified Lord. He is the Lord of all.

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Jesus Emptied Himself - Philippians 2:5-8

Matt Menzel / December 13, 2020

Jesus has a vision for His Church. He has a call on His people. And His Spirit is ready, willing, waiting to empower them for it. It’s a vision that begins with embracing divine emptying.

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People of Peace -

Philippians 2:1-4

Matt Menzel / December 6, 2020

As the Apostle Paul begins one of the most beautiful descriptions of Jesus’ humility and glorification in all the Bible he starts with the high calling for Jesus’ people to be a people of relational peace.

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