1. Give:
We are so excited of how God is using this ministry to reach our city! If you call Westside home, please remember to give generously and cheerfully at the stations in the lobby after the gathering or click here to give online.
2. New:
If you are new, we want to extend you a warm welcome! You're invited to attend Welcome to Westside—a place to meet other newcomers and get connected. We're meeting in Room 1 right after the gathering today (look for the Welcome to Westside sign!).
3. Christmas Eve:
We will be having one Christmas Eve gathering on December 24th at 4:00 p.m. This is a great opportunity to invite the people in your life who don't normally come to church - even if you are out of town on Christmas Eve send an invite with all the details to your friends, neighbours, coworkers, anyone who needs to encounter and experience Jesus. Download the digital invite here.