Book Review: Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands
by Jer Adrian
I have often advertised this book one-on-one as an encouragement to fellow disciples of Christ to be the book to read after the Bible. The Bible points to Jesus as the way, truth, and life and is filled with promises, warnings, and instruction to help guide us to a greater understanding of where our focus ought to be – on loving Jesus and others. Instrument’s is like a good friend who comes alongside us, helping us to both be a disciple and a counselor.
This book has literally changed my everyday conversations from surface-level to entering into the heart. It has challenged how I look at and love those I am in relationship with – my wife, my Community Group family, my friends, those I mentor and counsel, as well as my four children. Paul Tripp brilliantly pieces Scripture together with stories and key Biblical concepts to help us be Jesus to others. Tripp’s concepts walk us through a model of personal ministry that focuses on heart change and following the Holy Spirit, our Counselor. In doing so he first teaches us how to LOVE one another well, because “it is the only context in which the lifelong process of change can take place”. Second, Tripp walks us through what it means to truly KNOW the people around us – to get below the surface, to know their hearts. Third, as we begin to know people and the fears and desires of their hearts, we must be able to SPEAK the truth of Scripture to them in a way that helps them to see more clearly. Tripp’s teaching on how to speak the truth in love dispels many myths that exist in the church today and gives clear Biblical guidelines for us to follow. Finally, Tripp encourages his readers with the truth of what it looks like to walk alongside someone, to help them apply what has been learned, to DO.
I am quickly learning that there is nothing better, outside of Salvation, than watching someone in front of you see, with clarity, Biblical truth that has not ever been seen. Oh how much Jesus loves us and desires to bestow his grace upon us!
We use Instrument’s here at Westside as a teaching tool in our CinC (Counseling in Communities) class. This is a book that will get you excited about the work God is doing and His continued desire to work through you as His instrument…I encourage you to get this book and read it twice through – the first time for yourself and the next for others.
Want to get a copy of this book?
Westside has copies of this book available at the Church Office for $15. Or check it out on Amazon.