The Hidden Things

We all know what it’s like to feel helpless in dealing with the sin and suffering of those around us, and, sometimes we even choose to ignore the comments and signs that tell us that someone is struggling. Ignoring it is definitely more comfortable, or maybe it’s just easier.

The title ‘Counselling in Community’ sounds a bit frightening. Sharing honestly and openly with other people around? Yikes! But lets be honest, we all have things that we’d rather not share, things that we’d rather hide. Haven’t we all, in one way or another, chosen to do something that would benefit ourselves at the sake of another? Or haven’t we run toward something for our own pleasure instead of looking to please our Creator? Have you ever heard someone say, “I feel so lonely” or “I’m afraid” or “I get so angry when…” and not known how to respond? Have you ever had a friend who’s struggling with sin that you didn’t know how to speak to with truth and love?

The hidden things of the heart are burdensome aren’t they? In Matthew 11, Jesus shares that true freedom is in Him when he says, “Come to me, all who labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn from me, for I am gentle and lowly in heart, and you will find rest for your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.”


What is CinC?

Counselling in Community (CinC) is a class that helps each of us, as believers, to LOVE others as Christ loved us. We want to equip you to love those who are hurting, lost and confused. This class will develop your skills in asking loving questions that allow you to really KNOW a person, so that you can help them live in truth. By living in truth, they can grab hold of the freedom and joy that God has created for them.

We’ll talk about different ways of SPEAKING the truth of the gospel into someone’s life and what it looks like when our words are loving and what it looks like when they’re not. We’ll also discuss what really knowing someone has to do with the kind of words we’re speaking, and what God calls us to as His children.

Ultimately, this class is designed to help us at Westside, and others if space allows, to live as disciples of Christ who make disciples within our Community Groups, Ministry Teams, the church lobby, the work place, our homes, etc. This class will challenge you to go deeper in your conversations than the ones that make you feel comfortable. It will also push you to rely on the truth of Scripture for yourself and for the one sitting across from you. Our hope is that those who participate in CinC will learn to have conversations that enter into someone’s heart, where there is opportunity to encourage people with the love and light of Christ.

This is what we are called to:

  • to be Christ’s disciples (Acts 1:8)
  • to be holy as He is Holy (1 Peter 1:15)
  • to walk in the truth that we are equipped to minister, and to be used by God as instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands. (2 Peter 1:3-9)

What material will we cover?

The book we will cover in CinC is called “Instrument’s in the Redeemer’s Hands” written by Paul Tripp. This class will teach the 4 skills of LOVE, KNOW, SPEAK and DO. We will also have gender specific breakout sessions to help put these skills into practice in a safe and interactive environment.

Many of us would be relieved if God had placed our sanctification in the hands of trained and paid professionals, but that simply is not the biblical model. God’s plan is that through the faithful ministry of EVERY PART, the whole body will grow to full maturity in Christ. The leaders of his church have been gifted, positioned and appointed to train and mobilize the people of God for this ‘every person, every day’ ministry lifestyle.” 
– Instruments in the Redeemer’s Hands by Paul Tripp

Why should I go to this class?

You should go, because we all need to have our eyes opened to what people are saying around us and we also need to take hold of opportunities to live out the two greatest commands that Jesus gave to us–Love God and love others.

Who can take this class?

This class is for everyone and anyone. You may be in a friendship, a relationship or a marriage or have a family, co-worker, roommate, classmate, etc. Regardless, this class is for you. It is especially vital for all those in leadership and anyone who is making disciples.

How will this class help the primary ministry of making Jesus known?

The goal of our relationships should be to make Jesus known and to encourage one another towards Christ-likeness. CinC will challenge you to take this seriously and will help equip you to live out God’s call on your life wherever you may be, with whoever is in your life.

 I hope to see you there.

More CinC class info here


 Jer Adrian oversees the Biblical Counselling ministry at Westside. He is married to Jodi and they have 4 wonderful children.


Categories: Counselling,Discipleship,Written